What is low frequency energy and what to do about it.


By Polly Green

Low frequency energy is energy that is vibrating at a slower rate and is what you may think of as "bad vibes."

The feeling of Low frequency energy for me is like toxic poison flowing through my energy system, and usually is triggered by an outside source.

In this post we are going to talk about low frequency energy and what to do about it so that you will have some concrete tools to use when struck by low frequency energy.

I find it helpful to look at life as a mirror. Everything happening outside of us is actually a reflection of what is happening internally. When we take full responsibility for what is reflected back in the mirror it is really empowering, because we can change ourselves and this in turn changes the external reflection.

I read something recently in a book called the Presence Process by Michael Brown that said blaming something outside of ourselves for what is happening internally is like wiping a mirror trying to clean your face.

So whenever something is happening in our external reality that is triggering a low frequency energy it is an opportunity to look internally at what may need adjusting.

Maybe we are confronted with a situation that reflects something we need to address and have been sweeping under the rug. Perhaps we have been justifying something when in fact we know it is not in alignment. The outside reflection gives us the wake up call that it is time to clean up our side of the street and take action in some way.

The next question I like to ask is what is my part and how have I contributed to this?

Maybe I have been not entirely in integrity somewhere in my life and I need to own up to it, and set it right. Once I locate what this is I like to use, Ho'oponopono the Hawaiian forgiveness mantra.

Ho’ oponopono helps us to forgive ourselves for our mistake and to ask forgiveness in all of the areas we have just uncovered that need our side of the street cleared.

It is important when we realize our part in the situation to own it without beating ourselves up.

We are human and humans make mistakes.

We have a chance to set whatever we can right, take responsibility for our part and say I am sorry.

We repeat the Ho'oponopono mantra: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you as many times as we need to while visualizing the person or situation.

These steps will help us to shift back into a high frequency state. Now it is important to move on and let it go.

We know that it is now cleared on our side. We have done our work and the external reflection will change.

We can shift into the high frequency state of gratitude and thank this trigger for helping us to see a blind spot we needed to deal with in order to get us back into alignment.

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

Polly Green

Polly is a former professional kayaker, spiritual medium, channeller, coach, and founder of Other Side Channelling Academy.  She guides awakening empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from their spiritual gifts to becoming empowered and unafraid to use their empath gifts confidently, achieving a balanced and fulfilling spiritual routine that seamlessly integrates with daily life.


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