How to use the power of Gratitude to manifest and change your energy!


By Polly Green

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

- Eckhart Tolle


Have you been scripting like crazy, making vision boards, and practicing the Law of Attraction to no avail?

Are you ready to:

Stop trying, forcing and controlling, and let the things you are wanting come to you.

Well then I invite you to read on dear reader!

This post will:

  1. Catapult you out of manifesting mayhem.

  2. Help you stop offering resistance.

  3. Empower you to become a powerful manifesting magnet.



By practicing GRATITUDE.

Gratitude is the precursor to manifesting.

It MUST come first, and be authentic.

The mind’s natural default setting is to focus on the one thing it doesn’t have.

Manifesting can sneakily feed the mind’s lack mode.

Practicing daily gratitude rewires the brain's default, resetting it to one of abundance rather than lack. 

When you are obsessed with what you are wanting rather than what you already have, you remain in a constant state of wanting. 

Practicing gratitude changes this energy. 

It moves us into the state of abundance and receiving, and reminds us just how much we really do have.

By focusing on all of the gifts already present in our life it raises our vibration into an allowing state, rather than one of lack. 

It takes daily practice, and is important to make it a part of your morning ritual.

Five Steps to Gratitude :

Step #1 : Grab a pen and notebook.

Step #2 : Download your FREE Gratitude Guide.

Step #3 : Make a list of the top ten things you are grateful for today.

  1. As you write - focus on your heart center and FEEL full of thanks.

  2. The main objective is generating the feelings of gratitude and remaining in these feelings as long as possible.

Step #4:  Below each gratitude add WHY are you grateful.

    1. For example : I am grateful for my amazing house 

      1. - I am so grateful because it gives me shelter from the rain, I have plenty of space for practicing yoga, It is quiet, I feel safe, I have a helpful landlord, and quiet neighbours. I feel creative here and it is close to the beach.

    2. Describing why you are grateful helps to get deeper into the feeling

    3. Why we add the why:

      1. It is easy to make a quick list and remain disconnected to the feeling.

      2. The why helps us to fully appreciate each and every thing on our list, and say thank you.

Step #5 : Continue to practice saying thank you throughout the day, and stay aware of your thoughts.

If they slide into negativity or lack nudge them nicely back into gratitude.

The more we practice living in perpetual gratitude the faster our lives will change.

Gratitude is a super high frequency feeling, and by staying high frequency we naturally will attract more high frequency feelings, situations, and things to us. 

  1. It will begin to feel like things come to you.

  2. You will stop trying so hard

  3. You will let things happen rather than force them to happen.

  4. You will feel in the flow rather than fighting the current.

  5. Keep practicing gratitude until you feel the energy shift.

Start your gratitude practice now by dropping me one thing you are grateful for in the comments! 




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OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side. So that they gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance to better serve their clients and shine their light bright without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma.
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#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy

Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.


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Polly Green

Polly is a former professional kayaker, spiritual medium, channeller, coach, and founder of Other Side Channelling Academy.  She guides awakening empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from their spiritual gifts to becoming empowered and unafraid to use their empath gifts confidently, achieving a balanced and fulfilling spiritual routine that seamlessly integrates with daily life.

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5 Minute Breathing Method for awakening empaths