Intuition exercises for awakening empaths
By Polly Green
“Come from the heart, the true heart, not the head. When in doubt, choose the heart. This does not mean to deny your own experiences and that which you have empirically learned through the years. It means to trust your self to integrate intuition and experience. There is a balance, a harmony to be nurtured, between the head and the heart. When the intuition rings clear and true, loving impulses are favored.”
- Brian Weiss, Messages from the Masters: Tapping Into the Power of Love
Not sure if that little voice is your intuition or your mind?
In this post we will teach you 3 exercises to know the difference!
You will learn how:
To trust your intuition.
Know the difference between your thoughts and guidance.
Feel empowered to follow your intuition with these foolproof exercises.
3 Excercises To Strengthen Your Intuition:
1. Ask yourself small inconsequential questions throughout your day .
Should I turn Right or Left?
Should I go first to the ATM or to the Flower Store?
Be unattached to the outcome.
Do it when you have extra time and don’t need to be efficient.
Be open to magical surprises
Be present
Follow the first impulse and see where it takes you.
2. Trust the signs.
Are things unfolding effortlessly?
Do you feel like you are pushing a boulder uphill?
Does your question get answered spontaneously by a friend you bumped in to?
Are there roadblocks and obstacles on your present course?
Have you received an unexpected invitation?
Has an idea you have never thought of pop in to your mind?
You will know it is your intuition if it takes you off your normal course.
Listen without analysing.
Intuition is not logical.
Intuition does not make sense.
Intuition is always love guiding you to your highest and best good.
You will not see the bigger picture.
You must trust.
3. Whole body YES or NO
Ask your body if it is for your highest good to say yes or no.
Learn to trust your body not your mind.
Know your neutral.
Get to know yourself internally.
Body Scan meditation
Take ten minutes each day to sit quietly and retreat in to your body.
Scan your self from head to toe, and from toe to head.
How does your body feel in neutral?
This must be done everyday for you to detect your neutral.
Does your whole body tense up when you are debating whether to go? This is a whole body NO.
Do you feel open and light in your body when your friend suggests going to the mountains? This is a whole body YES.
In summary, learning how to trust your intuition takes practice.
Asking yourself small questions through out your day and following the impulse, listening to your inner voice regardless of logic, trusting the signs, learning your neutral, and whole body YES and NO, will help strengthen your intuition.
Let me know in the comments how your intuition has helped you!
Namaste! - Polly
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OtherSide Channelling Academy helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches or healers (or think they might be) to overcome self doubt and fear of the other side. So that they gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance to better serve their clients and shine their light bright without being weighed down by taking on on lower vibrational energy and know how to use their intuitive gifts to best serve their clients to fulfill their dharma.
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10 Steps To Becoming a Clear Channel
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#intuition #empaths #pollyandtheotherside #Othersidechannellingacademy
Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy.
She helps sensitive women who are spiritual teachers, coaches, and healers to overcome self-doubt and fear of the OtherSide. She also helps them gain confidence in their inner wisdom and higher guidance so they can serve their clients without taking on lower vibrational energy and use their intuitive gifts to fulfill their dharma.