4 Steps to Calm Your Nervous System for Female Awakening Empaths

Have you ever felt like you're not quite yourself? Maybe you've experienced moments where your nervous system seems stuck, as if it's been on lockdown due to stress or traumatic experiences. If so, you're not alone, and there's a way to find relief.


By Polly Green

Have you ever felt like you're not quite yourself? Maybe you've experienced moments where your nervous system seems stuck, as if it's been on lockdown due to stress or traumatic experiences. If so, you're not alone, and there's a way to find relief.

In a recent conversation, I spoke with someone who described this exact feeling. They shared how their nervous system felt stuck, likely because of the stress they had been enduring. Oftentimes, when we go through challenging circumstances like accidents or trauma, a part of us, a fragment of our energy, or even a piece of our soul can disconnect from our body. When this happens, our nervous system goes into a heightened state of stress, leaving us feeling far from ourselves.

But here's the good news: there are steps we can take to reclaim our sense of self and calm our nervous system. In this blog post, I'll guide you through four essential steps that can help you restore balance, clarity, and peace in your life.

Step 1: Clearing Your Chakras

Our chakras are vital energy centers in our bodies, and there are seven main ones. To begin the process of restoring harmony, set a clear intention to clear and balance your chakras. You can enhance this process by using a Tibetan bowl, which emits frequencies that are effective in chakra cleansing.

Step 2: Clearing Your Space

The environment we live in can sometimes carry negative energies or lower frequencies that affect our well-being. It's crucial to regularly clear your space. Set your intention to call upon the highest source of energy, characterized by unconditional love, to clear and purify your space.

Step 3: Calling Back Your Soul Fragments

Now, it's time to retrieve the part of you that may have left your body during stressful times. In a deeply relaxed state, set your intention to welcome back any soul fragments or energies that may be outside of your body. Ask for them to be rinsed, cleared, and cleansed, and returned to your body.

Step 4: Energetic Protection

To ensure lasting peace and well-being, call in energetic protection as your new normal moving forward. This will create a shield of safety and grounding, allowing you to navigate life with a sense of calm and equanimity.

These four steps are particularly beneficial for midlife women who may feel disconnected or stuck in their nervous systems. By following this process, you can regain your sense of self and navigate life with confidence and serenity.

If you resonated with this guidance and would like more support, click on the link to book a free consultation with me. Together, we can help you feel calm, relaxed, and truly yourself once again.

Namaste 🌟

If you are ready to clear energy blocks so that you can feel confident in navigating the spirit world. - book a free consultation with me by clicking on a date and time in my calendar below.





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Polly Green is a spiritual coach, channeller, medium, energy worker, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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5 Simple Steps to Release Energy Cords for Female Empaths

"What are energy cords and how to release them?" If you've ever felt drained, stuck, or emotionally attached to someone or something, you're in the right place. Join us on this transformative journey as we explore energy cords, why they matter, and how to set yourself free.


By Polly Green

Today, we're delving deep into a topic that can truly be a game-changer in your spiritual journey: "What are energy cords and how to release them?" If you've ever felt drained, stuck, or emotionally attached to someone or something, you're in the right place. In this post we explore energy cords, why they matter, and how to set yourself free.

Defining Energy Cords

Let's first understand what energy cords are. Think of them as subtle, energetic threads that connect you to other people, places, or past experiences. These cords form for various reasons, such as emotional attachments, unresolved issues, or simply spending a lot of time with someone.

Why Energy Cords Matter

Now, you might wonder why these seemingly intangible cords matter at all. Well, energy cords can significantly impact your overall well-being. They have the power to drain your energy, leave you emotionally entangled, and even influence your thoughts and actions. But fret not; we're here to guide you through the process of setting yourself free.

The Release Technique

Let's dive into the good stuff - how to release those energy cords and reclaim your inner peace.

🔸Awareness is Key

The journey begins with awareness. Take a moment to reflect on your life and recognize the energy cords that may be affecting you. They could be attached to people, places, or situations. Self-awareness is your compass in this process.

🔸Visualize and Feel

Close your eyes and visualize these cords. Imagine them as tangible, physical ties connecting you to their source. Feel their presence and the emotions entwined within them. Visualization is your bridge to understanding.

🔸Releasing the Cords

Now, it's time for the release. Envision a majestic golden hand gently plucking these cords out of you by their roots. Set the intention that all hooks, cords, and bonds to the person or situation are now released, uprooted, and dissolved. As you do this, allow love and forgiveness to fill your heart, not anger or resentment.

🔸 Release and Heal

After dissolving the cords, release the energy with love and gratitude. Visualize the cords dissolving into radiant light or floating away harmlessly into the cosmos. Breathe deeply, and feel the weight lifting off your shoulders. This is your moment of liberation.

🔸Self-Care and Protection

Finally, remember to prioritize self-care and protection. Allow yourself to feel any emotions that may surface after the cords have been released. Emotions are energy in motion, and it's crucial to honor and make space for them. Regularly cleanse your energy, shield yourself from negative influences, and immerse yourself in high-frequency energy.

🔸 Seek Guidance

Consider collaborating with an energy healer or therapist skilled in energy work. Their guidance offers valuable insights and personalized techniques for your unique journey. Working with a skilled practitioner is a huge support and can save you heaps of time.

(Energy work and clearing energy is my forte. I would be happy to chat with you to see if I can help support you further. Book a time in my calendar here)

🌟 Conclusion:

And there you have it, the fundamentals of energy cords and how to release them. Remember, this is a deeply personal journey that may require time and practice to master. But with patience and dedication, you can break free from these energetic ties and step into a more empowered and liberated version of yourself.

If you are ready to raise your energetic vibration, clear energy blocks and start stepping into self love and radical self acceptance so that you can feel confident in fulfilling your sacred work - book a free consultation with me by clicking on a date and time in my calendar below.

Polly Green is a spiritual coach, channeller, medium, energy worker, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

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