The Chakras Explained | Empaths How To Balance Them


By Polly Green

“When you unlock the mysteries of the 114 chakras, you will truly realize that you are not the body and not even the mind. You are the eternal spirit.”

- Amit Ray , 72000 Nadis and 114 Chakras in Human Body for Healing and Meditation

In this post I am going to demystify the 7 main chakras so you can feel confident in clearing and balancing these energy centers.


The word chakra means wheel in Sanskrit and our 7 main chakras are exactly that, spinning wheels of energy along the central axis of our body. 

The 7th chakra is at the top of our head and called the crown chakra.

It is helpful in our connection to everything Divine. 

It is our gateway to connect with our otherside portal. 

It helps us to know that we are never ever alone and that our divine nature is one with the cosmic all of all there is and all there ever will be. 

When our crown chakra is fully open we feel still, quiet and peaceful. The mind chatter slows way down and we feel the radiance of our true Source. 

Ways to open our crown chakra are meditation, yoga, breathing, prayer and intention.

Chanting the sacred sound of OM, which is the highest frequency available we accelerate our crown chakra opening.


The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead and helps us with intuition, our inner seeing and cosmic knowing. 

When it is open we may see colors with our eyes closed, we may get visions, see our team of angels and ascended masters or loved ones, we may have been what is known as a SEER in a past life which means we were mystical priestesses and had the gift of inner sight. 

With our eyes open we may be able to see energy orbs, flashes of energy, energy worms, or even spirits, angels, and guidance team members. 

 Meditation and child's pose with a focus on opening our third eye as well as a strong intention will help us to balance the third eye chakra.

The sound for chanting is SHAM, which can help us to open your third eye chakra.


Moving down the body to our throat is our fifth chakra, the throat chakra.

It corresponds to speaking our truth, and feeling safe being seen and heard. 

If we have been playing small and have difficulty asking for what we need, it is likely our throat chakra needs some attention. 


Listening with our full attention, and voicing our highest truth are crucial elements to an open throat chakra. 

Overcoming our fears and tapping into our power helps, especially if we have been silent when it comes to voicing our needs, and wants.


Chanting, singing, and speaking out loud are all great for opening the throat.

HUM is the mantra sound connected to the throat chakra.


Moving down to the center of your chest is your heart chakra. This chakra relates to love. This is the center of our energy system where the bottom 3 physical chakras meet with our top three spiritual chakras. 


Self love is an area where many of us need to work. Our little versions of us live here and sometimes they can been fearful and in deep hiding. 


It is our job to let them know they are safe and we are listening. 


Our work with the heart chakra has to do with loving the little versions of ourselves. Especially if you have had trauma in your young life, as many of us have, our little 4 year old selves need our attention now and want to feel our love, and our approval of them. 


Work with the heart chakra can be done to help us move out of self sabotage and into self love. Forgiveness, and compassion are ways that help us to balance the heart. 


Feelings of grief, anger, and betrayal are signs that our heart chakras need some balancing. 

Backbends are an excellent way to unblock your heart chakra. 


Practicing loving kindness and compassion, giving, forgiving, and doing for others what you want for yourself are helpful tools in balancing the heart chakra. 


Chanting the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM is helpful in clearing the heart and welcoming in compassion.


Our third chakra, known as the solar plexus chakra, is located above the naval and connects us with our personal power. 


Our self esteem, personal transformation, warrior energy, strong sense of purpose and self esteem. 


When it is blocked you may feel lost, angry and bad about yourself. 


Self sabotage and self defeating energy may linger in your solar plexus. 


Setting clear intentions and igniting your inner fire helps to balance your third chakra. 


Following through with a daily routine and setting small achievable actions steps for yourself is super helpful in strengthening your inner fire and balancing your third chakra. 


It is also associated with your inner knowing. Learning to trust your inner knowing and listening to it is super empowering and helps to keep this chakra in balance.


Your second chakra, aka sacral chakra is below your naval and is the seat of creativity and sexuality


When you are in balance here you feel inspired, abundant, in the flow, and joyful. 


When you are blocked in your sacral chakra you may feel emotionally unstable, and suffer from addictions, depression, fear, and sexual issues. 


Setting an intention to be creative for ten minutes every day is a great way to build self accountability and unblock our second chakra.


Healthy sexual boundaries and energy exchanges are very important for our sacral chakra to be at its best.


Cutting cords and releasing all energy of past lovers is helpful as well as calling back and clearing all energy of ours that may still be with them.


VAM is the sound of the sacral chakra and chanting this sound can help us to open and clear our second energy center.


Our root chakra is located at the base of our spine and is all about safety, security and grounding. 


When we are out of balance here we may feel fear, anxiety, ungrounded, and scarcity mindset.


Our root chakra connects with our basic needs being met such as having enough food, safe shelter, clean water, feeling safe, and having plenty of money. 

Practicing gratitude everyday is helpful in balancing the root chakra.

Focusing on three things you do have and feeling abundant today raises our vibration and helps bring us a sense of safety and well being.


Chanting the sound LAM can help bring our root chakra back into balance.

 Meditation with an emphasis on surrendering to our higher power, trusting that we will always be ok and bringing our awareness back to the present moment are helpful tools to balance our root chakra.

Are you a female empath who is struggling with your sensitivity to energy?

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Polly Green is a spiritual medium, channeler, coach, and founder of OtherSide Channelling Academy. 

Other Side Channelling Academy is a signature spiritual coaching program that guides awakening female empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed by their sensitivity to energy to feeling confident clearing and alchemizing energy so that they can feel empowered navigating the spirit world.

Polly Green

Polly is a former professional kayaker, spiritual medium, channeller, coach, and founder of Other Side Channelling Academy.  She guides awakening empaths to go from feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from their spiritual gifts to becoming empowered and unafraid to use their empath gifts confidently, achieving a balanced and fulfilling spiritual routine that seamlessly integrates with daily life.

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